
I could say a lot about this day. There's a whole wealth of memories I have of their families hospitality, cultural traditions, the way they road out on a tandem bicycle, and Nate & Maddie's intense sincerity of love towards their friends. The photos will speak for themselves below on those topics. But I knew exactly what I wanted to share on this blog when it happened: the way Nate kept losing it during his vows to Maddie. I was able to grab an audio copy from their videographer, and would love to share with you what he said. 

"Maddie. We used to believe we weren't the types of people who would get married. It seemed like a constraining tradition that was upholding an obsolete status quo (*knowing laughs from the crowd). And we are the types of people who like to keep things open-ended, so marriage to us seemed irrational. I used to believe that -- and then I fell in love with you.

And how could I not? You make really good food. (*more knowing laughs from the crowd). You've got really good taste in music and you think its normal to dig in a hole and poop in it - while camping.

But seriously. How could I not love you? Everyday your smile lifts my spirits. Your love for family is inspiring. I have the privilege to witness your ruthless pragmatic philosophy and feel it balance my tendency to overthink things. Because of you I understand why people describe marriage as two souls becoming one. I see now that together our existence is elevated to a level impossible without a partnership. (*through tears). I'm gonna do the vows now : I promise to love you, even if it means enduring a period where we don't feel in love. I promise to support you even when I need support. I promise to remember we are only human, and to use forgiveness as a tool of empowerment in our partnership. I promise to look back at this moment when these promises feel impossible, and of course I promise to strive to live a full and joyful life with you for the rest of our years. With you, life's possibilities seem endless. And now I see together we can accomplish so much more together than if we were apart. There are billions of people on this planet, but I choose you to be my life partner. To face life arm in arm and discover the rest of life's mysteries, together." - Nate

Enjoy, xoxo.

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